Our Clogging Courses

Welcome to the YouDance.com Clogging: Novice course. Clogging is a fantastic way to master rhythm and beats. This course was meticulously crafted for kids aged 7-18. You'll dance rhythmic footwork, intricate steps, and dynamic routines. You do not need clogging shoes for this clogging course. Just a good pair of tennis shoes!

Beginner Clogging

This course is one that builds on top of the Clogging: Novice course here at YouDance.com. Make sure that course is completed before attempting this course. In Clogging: Beginner, you will learn more complex clogging movements. All of these steps will help you improve your understanding of rhythm. Clogging shoes are great to wear, but tennis shoes will be okay for this level of course.

YouDance.com proudly presents our Clogging Courses, meticulously crafted for kids aged 7-18. You'll master rhythmic footwork, intricate steps, and dynamic routines in our exhilarating 8-11 week programs. Clogging is a great way to learn rhythm and timing. Stay tuned for more exciting courses coming soon, designed to elevate your clogging skills to new heights!

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