The Top Choice For Homeschoolers
" is perfect for all ages and to access the courses all you need is a device. These aren’t Social Media Dances taught to iffy lyrics – it’s educational curriculum that can be used by the whole family. There are no ads and no internet trolls – it’s just your kid and their lessons."
"These are great dance classes for kids. Kids can experiment and try each of the styles to determine which one is their favorite. This is perfect especially if your kids change their minds about classes at the drop of a hat. This will keep us busy for years!"
-Sara, Classically Homeschooling
"Another great thing about YouDance is that there are NO Ads and no way for your kids to click into something you don’t want them to access. This can be a problem using YouTube."
-Tracy, Hall Of Fame Moms
"The family-friendly educational dance videos are designed to be engaging and fun, so they’re a good solution for quality extracurricular activities without leaving home. After their dance sessions, my daughters were more attentive during other homeschool activities. And they couldn’t wait to show me their new moves!”
“I am so grateful to have found a safe place for my daughter to experience the joy of dance. It is so nice that I don’t need to worry about inappropriate content in the videos or the lyrics of the songs.”
Sarah, Homeschooling4him
"Kids are able to do it on their own, giving busy homeschooling parents a break in the day. There were lots of laughs and fun memories made, plus they learned new skills that they didn’t even have to leave the house for!"
Katrina, Rule This Roost
" was created by a mom. It’s obvious, because the platform and lessons have been carefully curated to make them accessible, excellent, and fun. Her care for families is evident on the site and in the teaching."
"The best online dance classes I’ve seen. I love that there are multiple instructors teaching the lessons and combos. Each one brings their own personality does a great job breaking down their dance routines."
-Sophie, My Cup Runs Over
"It’s also the perfect way for kids to burn off energy in a controlled, productive way. The cost is completely reasonable and much less than taking lessons in person…especially if more than one child uses the program!"
-Sarah, Ten Minute Momentum