The Unseen Threads: What All Homeschooling Moms Have in Common

Hello Homeschooling Mom,

The other night, I found myself curled up on the couch, watching a Disney+ documentary about the making of Epcot. You know, the one where they dreamed up the whole “World Showcase” idea to celebrate how, deep down, we’re all more alike than different? Well, it got me thinking about us homeschooling moms.

I mean, sure, we come from different walks of life. Some of us have color-coded schedules that would make Martha Stewart weep with joy, while others of us are just thrilled when we find the math book that went missing three weeks ago (Good job Mama!). But despite our quirks and varying approaches, we’ve got these invisible threads that tie us together.

I swear I’m not even a Disney Mom, but this part of the song got me tearing up last night:

"Though the mountains divide and the oceans are wide, it's a small world after all."

Here are 5 things that all of us moms can relate on:

The Desire for Flexibility: Every homeschooling mom values the freedom to create a schedule that suits her family's unique needs and rhythms.

A Commitment to Wholesome Learning: Homeschooling moms prioritize a safe, distraction-free learning environment, curating content that aligns with their values.

Balancing Multiple Roles: From teacher to mom, every homeschooling mother juggles various responsibilities, often in a single day.

The Quest for Community: Despite the independence homeschooling offers, every mom seeks connection with other homeschoolers, whether online or in local groups.

The Pursuit of the Best for Their Kids: Every homeschooling mom is driven by a deep commitment to provide the best educational experience possible, adapting to their child’s evolving needs.

So, the next time you’re elbow-deep in glue sticks and glitter, trying to convince your child that yes, they do need to know long division, remember this: you’re part of an incredible tribe of women who are more alike than different. And that, my friends, is something to celebrate.

Happy Dancing Friends!

Courtney, founder of


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